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  • Writer's pictureNeil Bromage

I`m off to the White House

I`m going to be spending some time at this fabulous place, hopefully writing and meeting the editorial deadline set for me by my editor.

It is a welcomed break in a year when I`ve made a lot of progress on my new novel and in creating more time to get it done. But I`m not there yet. I still have to cope with continual distractions from the family business and that can be extremely frustrating at times. But some progress is better than none.

The novel, Bankrupt is really starting to take shape. I`ve spent the last few months working almost solely on the first 50-75 pages, constantly writing and rewriting, with help from a former Random House editor in New York, Diane O`Connell @writetosell . By Christmas I expect to have most of it completely written having also created a Scene List so that I know where the story is going.

It hasn`t been without its challenges.

Despite writing for most of my life, being published for the first time twenty five years ago and writing for a host of outlets I have learned a lot during the last few months. But I`ve also been reminded of so much I had forgotten! (that`s probably an age thing as well as a "use it or lose it" issue) It has served to remind me that I need to write regularly, daily whenever possible. Like most unused things in life we can become rusty. Practice and regular use of our talents and abilities will help to keep them sharp.

I had also forgotten just how much writing means to me. I`d forgotten the joy of creating characters and scenes, of ending the day knowing that I had written - not knowing that I`d written well, that usually follows the day after with the editing process - but simply having written at all. The last few months have served to remind me that this is what I do, it`s what I`m best at, it`s what I was created for. Knowing that drives me on.

And so I`m off to the White House to write some more. And yes, this will be my writing desk for a while. But where in the world am I? I`ll send a free copy of my ebook, How I became a highly paid writer to anyone who can answer that question. Here`s a few clues to help you:

1. I`m just down the road from England`s largest lake.

2. Just over the hill and I can look across a bay holding some of the very best shrimps.

3. The village "church" has stood since 1189.

4. With two Michelin stars the village restaurant was named the number one in the UK by The Good Food Guide.

Clues: Just down the road from England`s largest lake. Close by, I can get some of the very best shrimps and my village "church" has stood since 1189.,
.....but where in the world am I?

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